Monday, April 14, 2014

K is for Kiosque

Nyon Switzerland today with my sister, her two kids and my daughter, cousins with a five year break between each. Thirteen (Game of Thrones on kindle; wants that totally cute dress in the Naf Naf boutique), nine (blew his wad of 60 Swiss francs on Star Wars Legos; must jump off every bench), and four (will deny needing pee until end of time; gave Naf Naf boutique lady a heart attack by touching everything with her face).

Julius Ceasar hung out here. The original angry young punk. Lots of anti fascist graffiti plus some evidence that a Marin County punk swung through. Possibly last summer?  Amazing that there would be the same tags in Nyon as Mill Valley.

I can't get enough of the shutters or the lake view framed by the alps. Sitting outside in a cafe enjoying a cafe au lait while 2/3 of our kids soak in the culture of Tom 'n Jerry on their mom's iPhone and my daughter pulls out her kindle, I appreciate that the breeze off the lake is blowing the cigar smoke from our neighbors the opposite direction. Next to the cafe is a news kiosque selling every imaginable size Swiss Army knife, international news papers, post cards and chocolate. Perfection.


  1. Feeling things with her face? Sometimes I want to do that in yarn stores...

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

  2. It's a cute face, and all the frocks hang right at four yr old face level. But her face might have been a bit yogurty

  3. I love how you describe them and their difference. I have a "blew his wad on Lego" guy myself. Enjoy.

    1. Thank you Sue, I think money spent on Lego is never squandered!
