Tomorrow begins the Blogging from A to Z challenge, which I am trying to do individually AND as a contributer to my Write On, Mamas! group challenge. With the opening of baseball season (Go Giants!) Spring is in the air and a huge distraction, so wish us all well.
The good news: Only one more middle school dance on the calendar and it coincides with the opening of the new Star Trek movie, Into Darkness, and is on my DD's 13th birthday, so obviously she's NOT going to the dance.
More good news: DS applied to one college and by some miracle was accepted and by the second miracle agreed to go. So, despite the discovery of our first born's newest tattoo, a turkey vulture, whose wingspan covers his entire chest, things are looking up considerably. As my friend DJ commented, 'not as emo as a crow'. Yes, thank god my boys aren't emo. That would be unbearable.
Play Ball!
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